Bezplatná konzultace: Rezervovat termín

Are you ready for the next level?
Do you want to understand the laws of the Universe and actively incorporate the Theory of 4 Energies into your fulfilling life? In this 10-week program, we will dive deep into the knowledge of 12 Universal Laws and focus on their immediate application to our personal and business lives.
Ready to go even further?
✨ Do you believe that life is a river and not a stagnant pond?
✨ Do you see your 4 Energies as stable and clear, and wonder what lies beyond?
✨ Do you feel that my support could guide you to a place you can’t even define yet?
If yes, then trust that I’m ready to stand by your side on your next journey. The mere fact that I’m writing to you about this new opportunity excites me so much I’m practically bouncing in my chair! This is why I’ve decided to launch an exclusive program in English in spring 2025. We’ll focus on a comprehensive journey further, higher, and deeper in self-discovery by learning and applying the 12 Universal Laws in practice.
Schedule a Consultation for the Program
Interested in the program and want to know more?
Submit the form to schedule a 30-minute free consultation to see if this program is the right fit for you!
Program Topics
Together, we will explore the works of D. Hawkins, Eckhart Tolle, Sherianna Boyle, and other global authors and leaders to discover our unique path to abundance, ease, fulfillment, and inner balance. In the safe environment of our international group of conscious women, we will make quantum leaps forward in our personal stories. The entire program will be conducted in English and is intended for women who have been working on their personal development for some time.
Participation Requirements
• Successful practice of the Theory of 4 Energies
• English proficiency at least at B1 level (the program will be conducted in English)
• Willingness to learn, enrich others, and share your journey
• Adherence to ethical and moral principles, including copyright compliance (even if the Energy Coach Certification is not completed)
Your Investment in Education
The course can be paid in full or in installments. For installment payments, a non-refundable reservation fee of 8,000 CZK applies.
One-time payment
88 320 CZK / 3 570 €
Deposit + 2 installments
total 93 320 CZK / 3 774 €
Reservation fee: 8,000 CZK, then 2× 42,660 CZK
Deposit + 3 installments
total 96 320 CZK / 3 890 €
Reservation fee: 8,000 CZK, then 3× 29,440 CZK
Deposit + 4 installments
total 96 320 CZK / 3 890 €
Reservation fee: 8,000 CZK, then 4× 22,580 CZK
Ready to join? Great!
Register using the registration form.
Daily Energy s.r.o. and all offers on this website do not claim to diagnose or treat any mental or physical conditions, illnesses, or their symptoms. Please consult your doctor before starting or stopping any medications of any kind. If you experience physical or health problems (including but not limited to: pregnancy, asthma, seizures, heart disease, or panic disorder), you should seek immediate medical attention.